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What time do your kids typically go to bed? Is it early enough? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses what the ideal bedtime is for children to not be sleep-deprived.

Never wake a sleeping child? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi answers this age-old question.

Do you get into a struggle with your toddler about taking her nap? Do you think your 2-year old has “grown out of naps”? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how long toddlers should take naps and how to get them to sleep without a struggle.

Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi answers the big question every parent of an infant struggles with: Should a baby “cry it out”?

Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi share some tips on how to get a baby to sleep through the night.

Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how television and video games affect your child’s ability to get quality sleep.

Do your kids share a bedroom? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi answers the question “Should siblings share a bedroom?”

Quality sleep for a school-aged child makes a tremendous impact on their emotional, mental and physical health. Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how much sleep each night a school-aged child needs to not be sleep-deprived.

Does your teenager stay up past 10pm? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how much sleep a teenager needs to not be sleep-deprived. You might be surprised.