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Quality sleep for a school-aged child makes a tremendous impact on their emotional, mental and physical health. Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how much sleep each night a school-aged child needs to not be sleep-deprived.

Would you like to communicate better with your children? Parenting Coach Katie Malinski LCSW role plays with Kate Raidt the basic rules for good communication with your kids.

The loss of a loved one (or pet) can be one of the hardest things for parents to talk to their children about. Parenting Coach Katie Malinski LCSW role plays with Kate Raidt how to effectively talk to your children about death and dying.

Does your teenager stay up past 10pm? Child Sleep Expert Rebecca Michi discusses how much sleep a teenager needs to not be sleep-deprived. You might be surprised.

Do you sometimes feel like your job as a parent is really the job of a referee? Do your siblings fight…all the time? Parenting Coach Katie Malinski LCSW role plays with Kate Raidt how to handle your children when they don’t get along.

Do you find it tough talking to your teenager? Would you like to be able to talk to your teen about the good, bad and ugly without getting push back or rolled eyes? Parenting coach, Katie Malinski LCSW, role plays the most effective way to communicate with your teenager.

Do you have a shy or timid child? Parenting Coach Katie Malinski, LCSW, role plays with Kate Raidt on how to help a shy child.

Do you find it difficult to get your teenager to talk to you? Parenting Coach Katie Malinski, LCSW, role plays with Kate Raidt on how to get your teenager to open up and talk about their day.

Does your child fight with playmates? Does your child have trouble sharing? Katie Malinski, LCSW, coaches a family with an 8-year old son on how to overcome trouble with playmates.