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Are you trying to be your child’s “best friend forever”? Or are you a friend to your child? All kinds of strings are attached to BFFs, but a true friend should involve no strings whatsoever. Maybe it’s the qualities of a BFF parent that make us think that friendship should not enter the relationship.

All the “experts” say, “Don’t be your child’s friend.” Why not? I have a hard time understanding that point of view. Is it because we want to be able to punish, reprimand, and restrict our children? Is it because we want more power over them than a friend would have? I want to examine this friendship idea.

What is a friend? Someone you can count on; someone who is loyal, honest, and trustworthy; someone you really like and even love; someone you want in your life for a very long time; someone you empathize with who can empathize with you; someone who gives you a shoulder to cry on, listens, and understands your problems without fixing them or giving unwanted advice; someone who doesn’t talk about you behind your back but instead has your back; someone you really like being with because you can be yourself. Wouldn’t you like those qualities in a parent?

Afraid that being your child’s friend means not being able to hold him accountable because your authority would be undermined? Don’t you hold your friends accountable for their behavior? When we can’t say no to our friends, hold them accountable for certain behavior, or speak honestly, it indicates poor boundaries—not a great foundation for friendship.

The BFF Parent:

  1. Alters own needs to suite child’s demands
  2. Does anything to avoid child’s upset
  3. Is dishonest to protect child from the “big, bad world”
  4. Avoids loneliness by sharing inappropriate information
  5. Demands loyalty and companionship through attached strings
  6. Tries to fix child’s problems to gain love and appreciation
  7. Asks child to keep secrets
  8. Uses child as confidante for own problems
  9. Holds back feelings to be nice, yet might blow-up in a rage
  10. Insists that child has similar tastes, values, and opinions

The Parent who is also a friend:

I wonder if the qualities of friendship restrict parents too much from speaking disrespectfully and doling out whatever critical, labeling or punitive reactions arise in the heat of the moment. I wonder if being a friend to your child requires accountability that most parents don’t want to be held to. Are we afraid that our children won’t respect us if we are their friends? Don’t you respect your friends?

In the parent-child relationship, we are more than friends. We are teachers and guides; we provide for them and are responsible for their care and upbringing, but this does not preclude friendship as well. Problems arise when we try to be “best friends forever”. Or when we are not their friends.